Names of God

Posted on Feb 2, 2024

What’s in a name? Scripture records many occasions during which a person or place received its name, and other occasions when a person underwent a name change. Following the Renewing Your Mind series NAMES OF JESUS, Dr RC Sproul takes a broader view in the series NAMES OF GOD (Sun 2000, Wed 1200, Fri 200).

Ep01 : Introduction

Ep02 & 03: Yahweh. It was when Moses encountered the burning bush in the wilderness that He asked God to identify Himself. But did God, in fact, ever tell Moses His name? Some say no. Dr. Sproul takes us back to the burning bush account to learn the significance of God’s proper name.

Ep04 & 05: Elohim. This name takes us back to the Source to find out what ancient philosophers sought.

Ep06: Adonai. In Psalm 110, we read about a conversation that took place in the heavens. It is clear that the LORD is talking to someone, but as our Bibles tell us, that someone is the Lord. Are there two Lords? Is the LORD talking to Himself? The original language reveals the royal name given to David’s greater Son.

Ep07: El Shaddai. The name El Shaddai occurs more times in the book of Job than anywhere else in the Bible. Often this name is translated “Almighty” in English, and it communicates to us something about God’s awesome power.

Ep08 & 09: Christ, the Anointed One. In all of human history, the most titled individual that has ever lived is Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus is His name; Christ is His supreme title. The confession that Jesus is the Christ is the heart of Christianity and the foundation upon which the church is established.

Ep10: Lord. Dr. Sproul explores what is believed to be the earliest creed of the Christian church, “Jesus is Lord,” and how proclaiming it was, in a very real sense, risking one’s life. But for those who proclaim, “Jesus is Lord,” our life is ultimately His.

Ep11: Savior. Jesus means “the One who saves.” But to see the beauty of His name, we must know more than merely what it means; we must also know what He saves us from.

Ep12: The Bishop of Our Souls. Although barely mentioned in the New Testament, the title used by Peter to refer to Jesus as the “Bishop of our Souls,” is deeply rooted in the pages of Scripture. This name of God the Son is mentioned broadly even in the infancy narratives of the New Testament.

Ep13: Power of Wind. What strongholds in the human heart can withstand the power of wind? In the realm of super nature, there is a power that cannot be predicted, tamed, or withstood. In Dr. Sproul helps us marvel at the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit and His role in redemption.

Ep14: Holy. A special designation of the third person of the Trinity teaches us about what He does. Dr. Sproul focuses on the word Holy in the name Holy Spirit. This name suggests more than the truth that God is holy but also that He makes us like Him in applying the work of Jesus in our lives through our sanctification.

Ep15: The Breath of God. The word for Spirit in Hebrew and in Greek is the same word for wind or breath, so the Holy Spirit can be identified metaphorically as “the Breath of God.” He is the One who has breathed out Scripture and the One who breathes new life into us.