
Names of God

Posted on Feb 2, 2024

Names of God

What’s in a name? Scripture records many occasions during which a person or place received its name, and other occasions when a person underwent a name change. Following the Renewing Your Mind series NAMES OF JESUS, Dr RC Sproul takes a broader view in the series NAMES OF GOD (Sun 2000, Wed 1200, Fri 200). Ep01 : Introduction Ep02 & 03: Yahweh. It was when Moses encountered the burning bush in the wilderness that He asked God to identify Himself. But did God, in fact, ever tell Moses His name? Some say no. Dr. Sproul takes us back to the burning bush...

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At the Back of the North Wind

Posted on Nov 25, 2023

At the Back of the North Wind

Jessie Wilcox Smith, illustration for At the Back of the North Wind (1919) In our twenty-third season of stellar adaptations from Focus on the Family Radio Theater, DZFE brings the enchantment of George MacDonald’s 19th century fantasy, AT THE BACK OF THE NORTH WIND to the Nativity season. A beautiful woman known as the North Wind blows through a small village in Victorian London, and everyday lives are mysteriously enveloped by a power and a glory. Along the way, she visits a poor stable boy named Diamond and takes him with her on her journeys. At the Back of the North...

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Names of Jesus

Posted on Nov 25, 2023

Names of Jesus

In a day when Jesus’ identity and mission are often misunderstood, this series communicates a clear picture of the Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Join Dr RC Sproul on Renewing Your Mind for NAMES OF JESUS (Sun 2000, Wed 1200, Fri 200). Episodes in this Series The Messiah, The Christ The Messianic SecretThe name Jesus has been given to many men throughout history, but only one can bear the title of Christ. Who do you say that He is? In this message, Dr. Sproul revisits the significance of Peter’s confession at Caesarea-Philippi as he looks at “The Messianic Secret.” LordScripture says...

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Ideas Have Consequences

Posted on Mar 13, 2023

Ideas Have Consequences

Understanding the culture in which we live, we need to be familiar with the ideas that have shaped it. On the Renewing Your Mind lecture series THE CONSEQUENCE OF IDEAS (Sn 2000, Wd 1200, Sat 230), Dr. R.C. Sproul traces the contours of Western philosophy throughout history. From ancient Greek thinkers like Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle to Christian philosophers such as Augustine, Anselm and Aquinas to the shapers of modern thought such as Hume, Kant and Nietzsche, R.C. demonstrates the consequences of each of these and other important thinkers’ ideas on world events, theology, the...

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Christmas Feast on DZFE

Posted on Dec 9, 2022

Christmas Feast on DZFE

Our Christmas and year-end programs go into full swing! Here are highlights. To stay abreast of all our Christmas offerings, follow DZFE on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. Three from WFMT December 14 – December 31 (Wed 1300, Sat 1900*)*The New York Philharmonic This Week moves to an earlier schedule (Sat 1500) until the end of the series.   Dr. Louise Toppin , a specialist in the concert repertoire of African- American composers, presents the world premiere recording of Margaret Bonds’ The Ballad of the Brown King (Dec 14, Wed 1300 / Dec 17, Sat 1900) with a libretto by...

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Willing to Believe

Posted on Sep 27, 2022

Willing to Believe

Contrary to perception, Scripture teaches that people are not after all free to choose God: Unless set free by the gospel, our wills are in bondage to sin. How then do we become “willing to believe”? In the new Renewing Your Mind teaching series from Ligonier Ministries, WILLING TO BELIEVE (Sn 2000, Wd 1600, Fr 200), Dr RC Sproul examines the idea of “free will” throughout history in the views of Augustine, Pelagius, Luther, Calvin, Arminius, Edwards, Finney, and others. He compares them to what Jesus had to say about the effect of sin on our souls. Later in the 12-lecture series, we study...

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